Tagged: MCO

SchuCal Processing shows profile has machining process, but the MCO output do not have that profile.

Due to the SchuCal default setting, some profile shows machining process in the SchuCal, but the MCO output program does not has the profile at all. This condition majority happens on the threshold, adapter profile, and attachments profiles. To solve this problem, please follow below steps to change the setting. Go to General > Settings > MCO settings: Select “As...

I have custom profile definition in my Schucal but after exporting file to my CNC machine software profile boundary is missing. [How to export dxf shapes to the machine]

Your CNC software needs profile DXF definition to be able to define profile clamping position and boundary. Majority of stock Schuco profiles are usually built in the CNC software but for any custom profile you need to manually export DXF definition form Schucal and import / save it on your machine. Go to General > Master data > User-defined clamping...

Problem: After attaching handle to ASS FD door, profiles are behaving strange, flipping inside/outside, no drilling for CNC processing is prepared.

Couse of problem: In ASS FD system user have to manually choose lock, door handle spindle, gearbox, profile cylinder and rosette as additional material. Articles must be chosen form same article group (Sliding door) and assigned to corresponding leaves. Problem occurred because user selected lock accessories from ADS product group instead of ASS. Not all ADS accessories are compatible with...

How to create processing list for drainage slots on two non-symmetrical spliced frame profiles

The goal is to create processing formula that generates drainage slots in equal distance on divided frame, when total length of its profile cannot be read by variable in processing formula editor after its dividing. First, lets divide profile with splice with 275 mm left offset from its length midlepoint. Select profile by right mouse button and choose Add profile...