Tagged: FWS


This program builds custom extrusions for University of Delaware project based on FWS 60. Installer: Changes: Procedure after installation. Start/Restart SchuCal Create/Open FWS 60 system unit To build 9653367 corner seal adapter install FWS 60 SG US Corner adapter component from separate area:http://www.schucal-usa.com/add-ons/fws-60-sg-corner-us/fws-60-sg-us-corner-adapter/ To insert insert for 9653364 mullion use standard Schucal method: To change intersection type of 9653368 transom cover cap...

How to define custom glass bite for FWS curtain wall family?

If you need to build custom glass bite for FWS curtain wall family, what can be necessary if you have special approval, you can do it with standard Schucal tools. In the example below we will make custom gap size between glass panels as 7/8″ (22mm) for horizontal and 1″ (25mm) for vertical divisions, what is defined by Test Report...

Curtain Wall – Profile Division vs Profile Joint

Schucal FWS family has two options for creating profile joint for mullion or transom. The first type is Profile Division. This is the simple method that creates divisions for all profile members (mullion, pressure plate, cover cap, insulator). This method only divides the members, does not add any structural connectors to the division. Right click on the profile you want...

How to prepare plastic pockets plan for FWS SG units.

Schuco FWS SG (Structural Glazing) curtain wall glass panels can be built with one of the two toggle fixing versions: SG Spacer or Plastic Pocket. Plastic pockets are the parts inserted between glass panes with offset described in K1011008 drawing. Schucal can prepare plan of Plastic Pocket locations after checking the setting on: Technical Settings > Glazing > Plastic pocket...