Error while trying to generate report (output) to Excell
In specific circumstances it can happen that while generating the report to Excel Schucal can return the error with one of few possible messages, for example as this:

This problem requires reinitialization of Schucal-Excel connector.
Please close Schucal and start Excel in Administration mode, Menu start > Right mouse button on Excel icon > More > Run as administrator:

Go to Options:

Select Add-ins and drop down Manage field. Select COM Add-ins and confirm Go…

Select SCHUECO output generator entry and click Remove:

Click Add button and navigate to C:\Program Files\Schueco\SchueCal\bin\Wordoutput_v140_x64. (If you are working in 32 Bit Windows platform than choose Wordoutput_v140_x86 folder)
Select wordoutputu_x64.dll file and confirm OK.

Confirm and close all open windows, shut down Excel and start Schucal.
Generate report preview and on the options area select Output to Excel file checkbox before confirming the report.
Proper Excel report should be generated correctly now: