Author: Ran Xu

How to activate SchuCal license softkey by Codemeter

SchuCal start using softkey license instead of dongle. Requirements: 1. License activation number: should be a 25 digits letter and number combined code.2. Connect to internet: The computer need connect to internet, which the license to be activated on.3. Browser: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (V.79 or higher). #1: Single-user activation (SchuCal and SchuCAD): #2: Re-Host Licenses: Multiple times, transfer the...

How to configure SchuCal Assembly time calculation and apply on model

Schucal has built in module for calculating Assembly labor time and cost. It can calculate each operation time generally, dynamic update with model dimensions. User enter assembly operations as master data. User specify the calculation method for the time calculation and the calculation basis for the cost calculation. Important: “Assembly time calculation” is different as “Additional labor costs”. To do...

SchuCad 2024.2

You can download and run the cloud installer from the location: SchuCad Next 2024.2 manual: SchuCad Next 2024.2 installation manual: After the start, cloud installer will ask for temporary package download location. Just click Select folder button to confirm default: After a while you will see progress window with download time estimation: After this phase installation process will start...

Schucal 2024 R2

New Schucal 2024 R2 has been published and is ready to install. New Feature SchuCal 2024 R2: This is a critical update. Please install it as soon as possible, your actual Schucal version does not sync service packs and actual price lists anymore. That makes Schucal not compatible with actual system definitions and material prices. File is around 7GB....

How to active “User-defined design” function in SchuCal

SchuCal has an additional component “User-defined design”, which allow the user creating or edit model wireframe in AutoCAD and build model in SchuCal. Below are the requirements for active “User-defined design” function: Obtain the “User-defined design” activation code from your SchuCal support. This function requires active SchuCAD option on the SchuCal license. This function need install SchuCAD next, please follow...

SchuCal Processing shows profile has machining process, but the MCO output do not have that profile.

Due to the SchuCal default setting, some profile shows machining process in the SchuCal, but the MCO output program does not has the profile at all. This condition majority happens on the threshold, adapter profile, and attachments profiles. To solve this problem, please follow below steps to change the setting. Go to General > Settings > MCO settings: Select “As...

Transfer User’s Data to New Computer.

When user get new computer, may need to transfer the user’s data from the old computer. Locate the user’s data from the old computer. Copy User’s folder and files from old computer. Screen should look like this: Paste User’s folder and files to new computer. Start SchuCal and all the user’s data should be updated in new computer

Engineering Tool Automation

Engineering Tool Automation Setup V03.02.01 This software package is for TipTronic Simply Smart. TipTronic interface 263175 or Automation manager is required. Download the Engineering Tool Automation from above link. Select the language from the drop-down menu and click next. Follow the installation window’s instruction to install the Engineering Tool Automation.

TipTronic Professional V8.1

TipTronic Professional V8.1 software package. This software package is for TipTronic 1.0. TipTronic interface 263175 is required. There are two zipped files under “tip_tronic_professional” folder after unzipped. Please unzipped them. “TipTronic Professional V8.1 (Standard-Version)” is the software package. “Treiber für Busadapter” is the driver file for bus adapter. Open “TipTronic Professional V8.1 (Standard-Version)” folder, find “TipTronic_Prof_V81.exe” file. Double clicks to...