FWS 60 SG US adapter / Hurricane

This program creates US SG configuration with 307660 seal adapter for FWS 60 system.

The configuration can be built with either cover cap or wet/gasket seal, alternate (horizontal vs vertical) or mixed pattern (independent decision for each mullion/transom).

This add-on can be used to build FWS 60 Hurricane system according to Intertek Report K2521.01-250.44 R0


Procedure after installation:

  • Start/Restart SchuCal
  • Create/Open FWS 60 unit
  • Go to Item properties > Settings > Technical settings > USA Settings and check on:
    FWS 60 US SG Adapter:

You can manually select the isolator to match your project design.

Go to Item properties > Settings > Technical settings > USA Settings and choose desired Isolator from FWS 60 US Isobar drop down list: