How to activate SchuCal license softkey by Codemeter (NOT RELEASE)
SchuCal start using softkey license instead of dongle.
1. License activation number: should be a 25 digits letter and number combined code.
2. Connect to internet: The computer need connect to internet, which the license to be activated on.
3. Browser: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (V.79 or higher).
#1: Single-user activation (SchuCal and SchuCAD):
- Open CodeMeter Depot: Two ways to open CodeMeter Depot.
- SchuCal Toolbox – License – CodeMeter Activation
- Input the License Activation number.
- The available and activatable licenses in the license depot will be displayed. Click Activate Licenses.
- Select the CMActLicense (Computer-bound license).
- Check all licenses and leave the default setting in place under “Select CmContainer”. Click Activate Selected License Now.
- The selected license will be transferred. Please DO NOT REFRESH or DISCONNECT INTERNET during the transfer. Click OK, when transfer completed successfully.
- You can see the successfully activated licenses information in “My Licenses“.
#2: Re-Host Licenses: Multiple times, transfer the license from old computer to new computer, when you are able to operate the old computer.
- On the old computer. Open CodeMeter Depot: Two ways to open CodeMeter Depot.
- SchuCal Toolbox – License – CodeMeter Activation
- Input the License Activation number.
- Click “Re-Host Licenses”.
- Select the items you want to deactivate.
- Click “Deactivate Selected Licenses Now” to deactivate.
- On the new computer. Proceed #1: Single-user activation to activate the license.
#3: Restore Licenses: One time only, lock the license on old computer, and activate the license on new computer, when you are unable to operate the old computer.
- On the new computer. Open CodeMeter Depot: Two ways to open CodeMeter Depot.
- SchuCal Toolbox – License – CodeMeter Activation
- Input the License Activation number.
- Click “Restore Licenses”.
- Select “I want my license on one computer”.
- Select all items to restore.
- Select the CmContainer.
- Select “I accept the Conditions for license restore”.
- Click “Restore Selected licenses Now” to deactivate.
Multi-user activation (SchuCAL only):
- Install CodeMeter Runtime: Only if SchuCal is not installed on the server.
- The CodeMeter Runtime installation program can be found in the SchuCal disc image file – Extras – Wibu.
- Please install all features.
- Activate the multi-user license through the CodeMeter Depot. Same steps as Single-user activation.
- Share the multi-user license in the network. Open the CodeMeter Control Center – WebAdmin.
- In the WebAdmin, Configuration – Server – Server Access, Enable the Network Server. Sharing multi-user license is complete.
Re-Host and Restore Multi-user license (SchuCAL only) are same as #2: Re-Host Licenses and #3: Restore Licenses.
Activate Multi-user SchuCAD license (Add link later)