This program adds US Hurricane configuration for AWS 65, AWS 70.HI and AWS 75.SI series.
This version can build US Hurricane configuration for AWS 65, AWS 70.HI and AWS 75.SI configuration together with USA ADA Kickplate and Threshold available here: http://www.schucal-usa.com/category/add-ons/usa-ada-kickplate-and-threshold-for-aws75-aws70/
Download and install here:
- Added static mullion profiles for AWS 75.SI series: 9658411 and couple mullion 9658412.
Procedure after installation:
- Start/restart Schucal
- Create new unit in SchuCal based on the template: System Templates > 10 – Custom Systems USA > AWS Hurricane > [Choose the type]
- Set the glass overall thickness to 34mm
- Check Settings > Technical settings > US Setting > AWS US Hurricane to ON
AWS 65:
AWS 70.HI:
AWS 75.SI: