Monthly Archive: December 2024

How to activate SchuCal license softkey by Codemeter

SchuCal start using softkey license instead of dongle. Requirements: 1. License activation number: should be a 25 digits letter and number combined code.2. Connect to internet: The computer need connect to internet, which the license to be activated on.3. Browser: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (V.79 or higher). #1: Single-user activation (SchuCal and SchuCAD): #2: Re-Host Licenses: Multiple times, transfer the...

How to configure SchuCal Assembly time calculation and apply on model

Schucal has built in module for calculating Assembly labor time and cost. It can calculate each operation time generally, dynamic update with model dimensions. User enter assembly operations as master data. User specify the calculation method for the time calculation and the calculation basis for the cost calculation. Important: “Assembly time calculation” is different as “Additional labor costs”. To do...