Monthly Archive: April 2023

Schucal 2023 R1

New Schucal 2023 R1 has been published and is ready to install. This is a critical update. Please install it as soon as possible, your actual Schucal version does not sync service packs and actual price lists anymore. That makes Schucal not compatible with actual system definitions and material prices. After start you will see the window with additional information...

Rubin Hall Trims – Extrusions only

This program creates following Wharf profiles in the database: 965390096539019653902965390596539049654121 Installer: Procedure after installation: 1. Start/Restart SchuCal2. Add the extrusions as an Additional Material. No prices for custom profiles defined.To define the price go to General > Master data > Article management > Special articles > [article number] > List price. If you will send the SchuCal project that uses...