Monthly Archive: April 2022


This program builds 149.5 deg corner mullion and head receptor profile for AWS 75.SI system for 1515 Surf Avenue project. Installer: Changes and fixes: Modified offset for top-end of static mullion Procedure after installation: Start/Restart SchuCal Create/Open AWS 75.SI family unit If you are creating new unit, as an template choose 01 – Windows & Doors / 03 – Geometry / 05 –...

During download process of Schucal installer I got the error “Hash mismatch”

During download process of Schucal installer I got the error “Hash mismatch for downloaded block!“: This problem is caused by unstable or slow network connection. Please close this window and start installer again. The installer will continue adding content to previously downloaded data from the cloud, so you do not waste already downloaded content.This error can occur multiple times, so...

How to authorize Schucal with 90 days temporary trial license

Schucal can be activated with temporary trial license for 90 days. To process it please start Schucal without any license dongle inserted. Schucal will display Schucal License activation window: Select and copy Request code highlighted red on the screenshot above. Send the code to After receiving the activation code paste it in the License activation number / Activation code...