Monthly Archive: February 2022


This program builds USA ADA Kickplate and Threshold easy-access balcony door type configuration for AWS 75.SI and AWS 70.HI systems in Schucal, Inward and Outward opening. It also allows to use 9645954 kickplate profile as the sash bar for inward opening units. Installer: Changes: Added kickplates for AWS 70.HI system: 9635019 (Outward) and 9645953 (Inward) Procedure after installation: Start/Restart SchuCal Create/Open AWS 75.SI or AWS 70.HI family unit...


This program creates following Wharf profiles in the database: 9641504964150396480859648084Wharf Mullion Top Edge Installer: Change log: 2/4/2022 – Added 9648085 mullion. Fixed cleats.5/21/2021 – Installer recompiled for Schucal 20215-5-2021 – Fixed the issue with displaying the mullion on new Schucal installations.3-3-2021 – Cutting virtual profile Wharf Mullion Top Edge possible to apply as Extension profile as well as Coupling profile.2-26-2021...